Storage system, treatment and recovery of waste oils of bilge water and oily industrial mixtures
Total area about 5300 square meters
Quay length 50 mt in concession for unloading barges
Instant storage of hazardous waste of 4000 mc
Annual production capacity: Liquid waste treatable 80,000 tonnes (66,500 tonnes for hazardous liquid waste 13,500 tonnes of non-hazardous liquid waste)
Purpose of the system
The plant was designed and built in 2004 in order to treat bilge water from ships, as well as oily mixtures resulting from pollution at sea, inland waters, land spills, and finally the wastewater from the washing and cleaning of tanks.
The ultimate aim of the system is to separate the hydrocarbons from the water and thus to obtain purified water in accordance with current laws, which may be discharged into surface waters, and a product that is comparable to heating oil that will be reintroduced into the market.
Recovery and Sale of oil
The treatment of bilge water and oily mixtures in general, allows you to retrieve a product comparable to heating oil which is then put back on the market. Our plant carries out a real recovery of the oil in compliance with all applicable environmental and quality standards. Our "product" has been recorded at REACH as Labro Oil – Fuel oil, Residue-, and in fact is a product for all categories, with the exception of direct combustion.
uffici impianto
trattamento rifiuti speciali
trattamento rifiuti oleosi
trattamento olii
trattamento aria
stoccaggio rifiuti
stoccaggio rifiuti speciali
stoccaggio rifiuti oleosi
smaltimento rifiuti
sistemi trattamento miscele
passerella flocculatori
movimentazione rifiuti oleosi
manutenzione a centrifuga
impianto per miscele
impianto centrifugazione
impianti gestione rifiuti
gestione rifiuti oleosi
gestione rifiuti liquidi
cisterne rifiuti oleosi
analisi scarti oleosi
analisi rifiuti industriali
addetti impianto