Storage system, treatment and recovery of waste from the port and from external users
Total area about 2500 square meters
Annual processing and storage: 8370 tonnes
Instant Storage: 515 tonnes
Purpose of the system
The plant was designed and built in 2009 in order to treat and recover the following types of waste:
Solid Waste
Urban and assimilated (Coming from EU and non-EU countries)
These wastes are treated by sterilization, shredding, iron removal
Special (Hazardous and non-hazardous)
Liquid waste
Special (Hazardous and non-hazardous)
Ground water (prescription of the Minister for the Environment and for the Protection of Land and Sea for the SIN (sites of national interest))
The platform was designed according to the principles of environmental self-sustainability, being equipped with:
Approximately 50 KWp photovoltaic system which saves 33,000 Kg CO2 per year into the atmosphere
Solar thermal system for the sanitary facilities
Methane steam generator for sterilization
Heat recovery from sterilization for the sanitary facilities
Waste water treatment plant generated by treatment aimed at recovering 70% for industrial reuse
trattamento rifiuti solidi
stoccaggio rifiuti solidi
stoccaggio rifiuti solidi livorno
spostamento rifiuti
smistamento rifiuti
servizio trattamento rifiuti
servizio trasporto rifiuti
servizio ritiro rifiuti
rifiuti solidi
presa rifiuti con pizna
operazione trattamento rifiuti solidi
monitoraggio rifiuti solidi
macchinario trattamento rifiuti solidi
impianto rifiuti solidi
impianto per rifiuti
impianti gestione rifiuti solidi
gestione rifiuti
gestione rifiuti solidi
gestione rifiuti metallici
fasi trattamento rifiuti
divisione rifiuti solidi
differenziazione rifiuti
centro raccolta rifiuti solidi
azienda trattamento rifuti
azienda ritiro rifiuti